For the good news, I finished the sweater I was knitting for my niece. It's adorable, I just hope it fits her! I'll post pictures after I sew on the buttons.
Andy and I have been so busy with moving and everything that we've grown a tiny bit disconnected. So we went on a nice hike yesterday, and it was lovely. I got an idea from somewhere (I don't remember where) to write down on pieces of paper something your loved one can do to make you feel loved. So we did that and put them in a jar, we'll draw one each week to do for each other. It's very fun. This week I drew one to surprise Andy at work with a picnic lunch. He took lunch today, so instead I made peach cobbler and coffee, and I'm going to pick him up and take him to the park to enjoy it. This is fun.
good idea! We night just have to start doing it. I think most of Chris' might be free back rubs. :)
Hey Jill! I love reading your blog! Thanks for the great idea! Hope you are doing well...praying for you and ya!
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