Friday, May 9, 2008

Summer of Insanity

Oh my gosh, I just looked at our summer calendar. We have something every single Saturday until July and a big thing (or multiple big things) every single week for the entire summer! I know that being a youth pastor's wife you stay busy, but this is just insane! I hope we can find a little bit of relaxing time.

On a side note, Jeffrey's not feeling well today. He's been whining a lot, and I think there's something wrong with his ear. Andy touched it and he yelped, but since then we've been able to rub it and move it around with no problem. He's not playing as much as usual, although he's still eating like a champ. If he's still not his usual self by Monday we'll take him to the vet. Yay vet bills. Why does everything have to be so expensive??


Emily said...

I hear ya! Our cat racked up two $100 vet bills in about 2 weeks!

Emily said...

Oh, I also meant to say that our summer is looking rather packed between all of the normal church things, plus separate middle school/high school events. At this point we have 2 a week the entire summer, plus Kyle is going to Mexico for a week and we have middle school camp for a week in July.