Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A huge plus at work...

I found out the other day that in the morning at work they take a whole bunch of different frozen vegetables and vegetable blends and thaw them out to make sure they are correct amounts and are quality. They do it every day, then at lunch they throw out all of the food... that is unless we get to it first! So I had a big huge salad of corn, green beans, carrots, peas, black beans, red peppers, etc. And it was free! I'll probably do that every lunch, because it's free AND healthy. It was a tiny bit frozen still so I heated it up for a little in the microwave. And I brought home 2 ears of frozen corn for Andy and I to have for dinner. I've been stressing out lately at us not having enough money to buy lots of veggies because they're expensive, and the Lord provided!!!


Anna said...

That's totally cool Jill! I know how you feel about fretting in buying fruits and vegies because of the high prices. I love how the Lord knows those little desires and He finds creative ways to bring them about :-)

Randall said...

Wow, that's perfect for you Jill. I wish my work gave me free vegetables. All they give me is free migraines.

Candice said...

How wonderful Jill! I'm glad to hear of God's provision for you even in the smallest ways! The Lord takes care of his children:)